Zestawy – matura ustna z angielskiego
z kluczem odpowiedzi

Chcesz poćwiczyć język przed maturą ustną z angielskiego? Poniżej znajdziesz kilka przykładowych zestawów – podobne możesz wylosować w trakcie egzaminu. Dokładnie przeanalizuj i zastanów się nad poleceniem. Spróbuj samodzielnie ułożyć odpowiedź. Następnie możesz sprawdzić bazę przydatnych słów oraz przykładową odpowiedź.

Angielski dla początkujących online

Zestaw 1.

Wspólnie z kolegami/koleżankami z klasy przygotowujecie artykuł do gazetki szkolnej na temat dbania o środowisko. Twoim zadaniem jest wybór odpowiedniego zdjęcia do artykułu.

  • Wybierz to zdjęcie, które będzie, Twoim zdaniem, najbardziej odpowiednie i uzasadnij swój wybór
  • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostałe zdjęcia

  • To protect environment
  • To take care of
  • Environment-friendly
  • The Earth
  • Mother Nature
  • Nature
  • Wind energy
  • Sustainable energy
  • Green color of life
  • Inhabitants of the Earth
  • Palm trees

Picture number two is the most suitable for the article in school magazine talking about environmental protection. Firstly, we can see hand holding the Earth, which symbolizes inhabitants of the Earth taking care of the environment. Whole picture is green, this color stands for life, harmony, growth, nature and energy. However, picture number three also shows that people have in mind the planet. Wind energy is one of the examples of how to protect environment. Nevertheless, picture number two refers to wider context of environmental protection, thus it is more related to the topic of the article. Picture number one will be also omitted since it presents palm trees, we cannot see any reference to taking care of the Earth.

Zestaw 2.

Rozmawiasz z kolegą / koleżanką o Twojej / Twoim wymarzonej partnerce / partnerze. Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz uwzględnić w rozmowie z egzaminującym.

  • Cechy charakteru:

Honest, brave, happy, ambitious, calm, clever, outgoing, crazy, open-minded, energetic, fair, gentle, patient, loyal, optimist, polite, talkative, shy

  • Wygląd:

Beautiful, attractive, good-looking, handsome, slim/fat, tall/short, short/long hair, straight/curly hair, bald, strong/weak,

  • Spędzanie razem czasu:

Go to the cinema/theatre, go for a walk, go to the restaurant, eat lunch/dinner together, watch movies at home, travel together, work out together, study together

  • Wasza przyszłość:

Planning marriage, married/divorced, have a kid, have a pet, live together, have a loan together

My dream boyfriend would be honest, ambitious and enormously clever. I love hanging out with my friends, and he will be always by my side so he needs to be talkative and funny to get along with my friends.

In terms of appearance he would be handsome, tall and slim. His body will look healthy and sporty. I don’t really mind about the color of hair, but it should be relatively short.

I love doing sport, thus we would be going for long walks, running or biking and of course having active holidays. Additionally, eating together at restaurants is an amazing way of spending time together. We both would love to watch movies together at home and at the big screen in cinema as well. Travelling is my passion and it would be his as well.

It is a bit hard to foresee the future, but when I finally meet the love of my life I would want to spend the rest of my life with him. However, I would want to have a cat together.

Zestaw 3.

Ubiegasz się o pracę asystenta w biurze lokalnej gazety. Uczestniczysz w rozmowie wstępnej, na której usłyszałeś poniższe pytania:

  • What would you like to study in the future? Why?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • How do social media affect your life?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Justify your answer.
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • research, management, business, engineering, linguistics, degree, field, gain knowledge, I am good/bad at …, I am interested in …,
  • job, wife/husband, kids, house, loan, university, city/countryside
  • addiction to social media, lack of concentration, eye problems, fatigue, lack of exercise, lower self-esteem, information availability
  • chemistry, romanticism, attraction, illusion, it is only in your head, could be fragile
  • quit job, invest, travel, share with family/friends, give to the charities, spend all by myself, move to another country, focus on my dreams,
  • Since I was 14 I have been dreaming of studying geography. I was always good at it, so I really would love to broaden my knowledge within this field. My friends tell me that after this course there is no job. I wouldn’t mind working as a teacher. It would really satisfy me to be able to work with children and share my passion with them. However, I am aware of that studying geography also requires knowledge of subjects that I don’t like. I know I will be able to sacrifice. 
  • As I previously said I want to study geography. I am assuming that in five years from now I will have a master from this field. Probably, I will have a boyfriend as well, because for now I am single. I guess, I will be over few big travels as well like South America and Asia. I want to speak fluent Spanish by then as well.
  • Social media affect me pretty bad. Obviously, I see the advantages of using them like being closer to my friends and be able to find some knowledge on specific subject straight from people. Nevertheless, I would prefer to cut down on daily usage of social media, because it affects my self-esteem, which becomes lower and lower. It is because of beautiful girls posting photos of their perfectly shaped bodies or trips that they have made. Another reason is eye problems, I have noticed my eyes hurt from constant usage of the phone.
  • I definitely believe in love at first sight. However, I am also aware of the fact that it would not last forever. Once I even have read an article about it, where one scientist mentioned that such love is mostly chemical reaction. I think it is true, because we are part of nature, biology and chemistry is within us. Thus, when we meet a right partner for us we want to immediately prolong the species of mankind.
  • If I won the lottery I would definitely cry out loud from happiness. Secondly, I would call all of my friends and meet with them the same day to have toast for it. The next day I would find out the best possibilities of investing such amount of money. Later on that day I would quit my job and probably say few words to my boss. I took this idea from movies J I would also spend some money on my friends to buy them presents which would show my gratitude for having them. I would also go for holidays, lasting a month or two. When I would be refilled with energy I would focus on my dreams. That would be a perfect life.

Zestaw 4.

Wraz z kolegami / koleżankami planujesz wyjście w sobotę wieczorem.

  • Wybierz miejsce, które będzie dla Was ciekawsze i uzasadnij swój wybór.
  • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz drugą możliwość.

  • Cinema
  • Movie
  • Big screen
  • Chill out
  • Experience
  • Social
  • Club
  • Dance
  • More fun
  • Active
  • Meet new people
  • Have drinks
  • Crowdy
  • Long night

We would definitely go to the cinema not to the club, since it is less crowdy and there is no need of spending the whole night out. Me and my friends don’t like clubbing, it is too tiring, plus we don’t drink alcohol. Additionally, recently has been released new movie based on true facts. However, I don’t remember the title. We are very excited for Saturday night. People could say that what is the point of paying for a movie in the cinema if you can pay for Netflix and have unlimited movies. However, for us the whole experience counts, big screen enables us to really feel what is happening in the movie. Plus, it is easier to focus in the cinema than at home.

Zestaw 5.

Planujesz wakacyjny wyjazd z kolegą / koleżanką.

Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz uwzględnić w rozmowie z egzaminującym.

  • Nocleg:

Hotel, hostel, camping, stay at our friends, go for few days

  • Transport:

Bus, car, train, plane, blablacar, hitchhiking, boat, share costs of travel

  • Atrakcje:

Sightsee, go for a walk, swim in the sea/lake, go to beach, hike mountains, visit museums, go to the theatre, guidebook

We would definitely go to Spain, because it is my favorite country. I was there already few times, but I will never get bored of Spanish culture, cuisine and language. The easiest way to get to Spain is to take a plane. To really relax and feel like on holidays the minimum of stay is a week. We would stay at hostel or Airbnb, it is the cheapest. The best localization would be between sea and the city center. Since mornings and afternoons we would spend at the seaside and evenings in the city. For us the most relaxing is sea and beach, so we assume we would spend there the most of our time. However, just walking around the city and exploring surroundings also sound great. If we come across any museums, cathedrals or churches we would definitely step in. We always check guidebook once we get to the place of our destination. Thus, we guess there are plenty of attractions which require a bit of internet research. Maybe we would also step by tourist point. We are looking forward to our trip.

Angielski dla początkujących online